A Shifting Fact Pattern for 2022

A Shifting Fact Pattern for 2022

For many, 2021 proved to be a difficult year. The battle with the COVID pandemic dragged on even with readily available vaccines and developing therapeutics. Variants of the virus have emerged, and the economic recovery coming out of the pandemic’s peak has remained uneven with several start / stop phases along the way. This has broadly disrupted the production and supply of goods and services, while inflationary pressures have surged.

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Economic Growth, Booming Profits, and Loose Monetary Policy

Economic Growth, Booming Profits, and Loose Monetary Policy

As the year comes to an end, Clearwater Capital’s CEO and Chief Investment Strategist, John Chapman, offers an extended point of view on the U.S. economy and equity markets in this final Private Client Letter for 2021. Our Outlook 2022 report is scheduled for publication in January.

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2021 Equity Target Achieved

2021 Equity Target Achieved

Over the years, Clearwater Capital Partners has maintained the discipline of establishing specific targets for a variety of economic indicators and capital markets. These forecasts are intended to bring practical application and transparency to our economic thesis. Our predictions revolve around highly recognized measurements and indexes; and this tradition provides our readers with a straightforward means by which to monitor the efficacy of our outlook.

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August Private Client Letter

August Private Client Letter

Economists and analysts began the year with relatively muted expectations for the U.S. economy. Emergency use authorizations for COVID-19 vaccines were just being issued and there was much uncertainty surrounding their availability and efficacy. Understandably, most forecasts for the reopening of the economy were cautious, if not grim. At the beginning of the year our country was still very much in lockdown mode and while hopeful, true optimism was hard to come by.

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