August Private Client Letter: Economic and Market Narratives are Shifting Quickly

August Private Client Letter:  Economic and Market Narratives are Shifting Quickly

We are only a few trading days into the month of August and already it feels like an entirely different environment compared to the one we have enjoyed for most of the year.  While economic reports have been flashing signs of inflation for many months, the equity markets have spent most of the year ascending to new record highs. 

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2024 Mid Year Update

2024 Mid Year Update

We are pleased to share with you the Clearwater Capital Partners Outlook 2024 Mid-Year Update report entitled:

“Bulls, Bears, and Blurred Horizons”

Exactly two years ago the rate of inflation peaked at a year-over-year rate of 9.1%. The Federal Reserve responded to the spike in consumer prices by raising interest rates 11 consecutive times over a period of just 16 months. The Fed’s pursuit of tighter financial conditions was meant to bring the rate of inflation down to a 2% target level – a goal that remains elusive with prices continuing to rise at a pace of about 3.3%.

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June Private Client Letter

June Private Client Letter

As I have repeatedly observed, the rate of inflation has been the dominant economic story of the year.  Consumer prices are now about 20% higher than they were when inflation began to heat up and, while the rate of continuing inflation has fallen from peak levels experienced in the summer of 2022, it remains well above the Fed’s 2% target and continues to pressure consumers.

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March Private Client Letter

March Private Client Letter

Equity markets in the U.S. continue to press higher.  Less than a month ago, the S&P 500 crossed 5,000 for the first time in its history and since the low last October, the index has been up over 1,000 points.  Semiconductor manufacturer Nvidia reported a blowout fourth quarter earnings report and optimism over artificial intelligence keeps pushing stock indices to all-time highs.

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December Private Client Letter

December Private Client Letter

As 2023 draws to a close, I am encouraged to observe that the year has turned out much better than many, including myself, had expected.  The economic slowdown, signaled by several traditional indicators such as the Leading Economic Index (LEI), has not yet materialized.  In fact, the third quarter growth in GDP far exceeded expectations and an increasing number of market strategists are shifting their perspectives to a “soft-landing scenario” in which the Federal Reserve’s aggressive and historic tightening cycle will succeed in reducing inflation without crushing the economy.

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November 2023 Private Client Letter

November 2023 Private Client Letter

In late October both the Nasdaq and S&P 500 entered correction territory following a weak third quarter for equity prices.  The reasons behind falling stock prices have been higher interest rates and weak earnings guidance from corporate executives worried about the threat of an escalation to the war in the Middle East.  By the end of the month, the S&P 500 closed about 10% below its recent peak in late July. 

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October Private Client Letter

October Private Client Letter

Over the past several months I have warned of potential weakness in equities following a rally earlier in the year that saw the S&P 500 rise by as much as 20% from the beginning of the year.  It appeared that valuations were being stretched as the market breadth narrowed.  In other words, equity prices were rising faster than corporate earnings and the gains had become dominated by only a handful of mega cap names in the communication and information technology sectors. 

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September Private Client Letter

September Private Client Letter

With another summer winding down and kids heading back to school, we are entering the month of September with a bit of trepidation.  Not only have U.S. equities rallied this year against the backdrop of declining earnings, but September has also historically been the worst month of the year for stocks.  If investors could choose to skip past any month based on the historical action, September would be it.

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What to Make of This Year’s Equity Rally

What to Make of This Year’s Equity Rally

Following the most aggressive monetary tightening cycle in the past 40 years, stock prices are approaching the threshold of a new bull market - rising almost 20% from the bear market low last October.  A cursory look at U.S. equity price movement so far in 2023 would suggest that stocks have been able to shrug off a wide range of troubling issues.

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May Private Client Letter - Sell in May and Go Away?

May Private Client Letter - Sell in May and Go Away?

The Federal Reserve and Chairman Jerome Powell will hold its latest policy meeting on Wednesday, May 3rd.  The central bank is largely expected to deliver on another 25-basis point hike to the Fed Funds rate, bringing the benchmark rate to a range of 5.00% - 5.25%.   This would mark the 10th straight rate hike this cycle and take the Fed Funds rate to its highest level since 2007.  

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April Private Client Letter - Recession Risks Continue to Rise

April Private Client Letter  - Recession Risks Continue to Rise

The most significant challenge for the U.S. economy has shifted from an uncertain path for monetary policy to a potential banking crisis and associated issues connected with tightening credit conditions. 

The supply of bank credit is an important driver of macroeconomic outcomes and a contraction in credit availability serves to further slow already decelerating economic activity.  Banks will likely raise lending standards in response to the current set of problems and the pace of new loan origination, for businesses and consumers alike, will decline.  

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December Private Client Letter

December Private Client Letter

Our economic outlook has not changed much in recent weeks. We expect the Fed’s tightening of monetary policy will keep equity market volatility high and range bound into 2023. Any indication that the Fed is contemplating a pause in early 2023 will drive sharp rallies. Any data reports that suggest inflation remains stubbornly high will trigger selloffs in equity markets. This reality was on full display as November ended and December began.

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November Private Client Letter - A Complicated and Shifting Environment

November Private Client Letter - A Complicated and Shifting Environment

We have long promised our clients that when the facts change, our outlook would change. This said, our base case has shifted to a less constructive view of the economy over the next 12 to 18 months. We now expect that economic growth to disappoint and a recession to occur 2023. This said, we are not expecting the recession to be particularly long or deep. By mid-2023 the worst may be behind us, and risk assets could begin a sustained move higher.

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Private Client Letter – October 2022

Private Client Letter – October 2022

In our Midyear Update I observed “the current market environment is about as challenging as any I can recall in the past 40 years” and three months later this remains the case. Inflation continues to be the dominant challenge as the Federal Reserve has surged their hawkish rhetoric along with the fastest interest rate tightening cycle in the past half century.

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Mid Year Update - 2022

The current market environment is about as challenging as any we can recall in the past 40 years. A global pandemic, war in Europe, emboldened geopolitical adversaries, potential food and energy shortages, unprecedented monetary policy decisions, political divisiveness, and runaway inflation give all investors plenty to worry about. The question on everyone’s mind is what happens next.

Our goal in this mid-year strategy update is to connect the dots and offer a logical interpretation of current economic and market data. The insights presented in this report will build upon our monthly commentary (The Private Client Letters) and our Spring Symposium presentations. This report is a vital component of a continuous dialog with clients and our unwavering goal to “achieve clarity in a complex world.”

We could never have imagined 16 years ago when we adopted this tagline how complex the world would become. That said, we have always known that achieving clarity would be the greatest responsibility we would have for our clients.