Outlook 2025: “A Complicated Path Forward”

Outlook 2025: “A Complicated Path Forward”

Developing and sustaining an economic outlook is crucial for serious investors. A well-researched and logical perspective on the market landscape provides valuable insights that guide key decisions. Clearwater Capital Partners is pleased to announce that our Outlook 2025 has been published.  You may access your copy of our commentary using the links below. As always, should you have any questions or concerns, please give us a call.

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Private Client Letter | Special Post-Election Edition

Private Client Letter | Special Post-Election Edition

It has been two weeks since the national election and many of the inferences of a second Trump presidency are beginning to come into focus.  With Republicans about to take control of the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives we can expect sweeping changes to many important policies impacting the future trajectory of the economy.

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Mid Year Update - 2022

The current market environment is about as challenging as any we can recall in the past 40 years. A global pandemic, war in Europe, emboldened geopolitical adversaries, potential food and energy shortages, unprecedented monetary policy decisions, political divisiveness, and runaway inflation give all investors plenty to worry about. The question on everyone’s mind is what happens next.

Our goal in this mid-year strategy update is to connect the dots and offer a logical interpretation of current economic and market data. The insights presented in this report will build upon our monthly commentary (The Private Client Letters) and our Spring Symposium presentations. This report is a vital component of a continuous dialog with clients and our unwavering goal to “achieve clarity in a complex world.”

We could never have imagined 16 years ago when we adopted this tagline how complex the world would become. That said, we have always known that achieving clarity would be the greatest responsibility we would have for our clients.