A Shifting Fact Pattern for 2022

A Shifting Fact Pattern for 2022

For many, 2021 proved to be a difficult year. The battle with the COVID pandemic dragged on even with readily available vaccines and developing therapeutics. Variants of the virus have emerged, and the economic recovery coming out of the pandemic’s peak has remained uneven with several start / stop phases along the way. This has broadly disrupted the production and supply of goods and services, while inflationary pressures have surged.

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What is Investment Portfolio Management?

What is Investment Portfolio Management?

Investment Portfolio Management is the first service addressed in John Sleeting’s Thought Leadership article titled, “What are Multi-Family Offices Services?” As a fiduciary, our responsibilities include being prudent stewards of client assets in achieving their long-term objectives. Objectives vary from client to client requiring differentiated solutions and services; thus, a client-centric approach toward investment management is required to tailor solutions for each family.

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John's Reading List - May 2021

John's Reading List -  May 2021

Our Chief Executive and Chief Investment Strategist has long been a voracious reader. The list of titles he is reading at any given time help clarify the rapidly evolving complexities of the world in which we all live.

As a new feature of our monthly Thought Leadership package, we will be highlighting a book selected by John. He will provide a brief summary of the work and offer his impressions of the book’s message.

The first in our series of John’s Reading List is:

The Future is Faster Than You Think, by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler.

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