The Apex Advisor - Managing Cash in a Crisis

Strenuous market environments often shine a light on one of the more challenging aspects of personal finance, cash management.  How much cash is too much? How much is not enough?  If you have excess cash, where should it go?  If the answer is financial markets, when is the right time to do that?  These questions are universal whether you are at the start of your career and just beginning your accumulation plan or a seasoned saver near the end of your career, and everyone in between.  Let’s review these in sequence.

Jeff DeHaan

Jeffrey DeHaan, CFP® is a Partner with Clearwater Capital Partners. Jeff primarily works with a select group of successful business owners and professionals, along with their families, to achieve their unique visions of their financial futures. Focusing on the interdependence between portfolio management, retirement planning, gift planning, estate planning and risk management, Jeff endeavors to give his clients a clear path to their goals and a solid framework for decision making.