Too Conservative is Risky

Too Conservative is Risky

Too Conservative is Risky. Yes, you read that correctly – being too conservative can be risky.

Risk of what? Loss of value. Although volatility of financial securities is a reality, the loss of value is different. Ups-and-downs of security market prices happen, known as volatility, and is reflected mathematically as standard deviation. These statistics are helpful measures for evaluating relative risk-adjusted returns over time. However, the absolute risk of loss of value is when negative volatility (periods when prices are down) is made permanent.

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Consolidated Reporting & Family Office Services

Consolidated Reporting & Family Office Services

This piece will focus on consolidated reporting and technology for managing family wealth. Across every level of wealth, it is important to have continuous insight on the immediate financial picture of the family. As the scale and complexity of wealth increases, so does the need for the ability to observe the totality of the balance sheet. Similar to an air traffic controller, it is imperative that a family office team have the ability to monitor each element of the assets and liabilities of the families they serve.

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2021 Equity Target Achieved

2021 Equity Target Achieved

Over the years, Clearwater Capital Partners has maintained the discipline of establishing specific targets for a variety of economic indicators and capital markets. These forecasts are intended to bring practical application and transparency to our economic thesis. Our predictions revolve around highly recognized measurements and indexes; and this tradition provides our readers with a straightforward means by which to monitor the efficacy of our outlook.

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Asset Location—What is it and why is it important?

As we frequently discuss with our clients, asset allocation is by far the most important determinant of long-term investment portfolio performance. Asset allocation is the process of investing one’s investment dollars across various asset classes, regardless of the type of account where those assets are held.

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