May Private Client Letter - Sell in May and Go Away?

May Private Client Letter - Sell in May and Go Away?

The Federal Reserve and Chairman Jerome Powell will hold its latest policy meeting on Wednesday, May 3rd.  The central bank is largely expected to deliver on another 25-basis point hike to the Fed Funds rate, bringing the benchmark rate to a range of 5.00% - 5.25%.   This would mark the 10th straight rate hike this cycle and take the Fed Funds rate to its highest level since 2007.  

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April Private Client Letter - Recession Risks Continue to Rise

April Private Client Letter  - Recession Risks Continue to Rise

The most significant challenge for the U.S. economy has shifted from an uncertain path for monetary policy to a potential banking crisis and associated issues connected with tightening credit conditions. 

The supply of bank credit is an important driver of macroeconomic outcomes and a contraction in credit availability serves to further slow already decelerating economic activity.  Banks will likely raise lending standards in response to the current set of problems and the pace of new loan origination, for businesses and consumers alike, will decline.  

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November Private Client Letter - A Complicated and Shifting Environment

November Private Client Letter - A Complicated and Shifting Environment

We have long promised our clients that when the facts change, our outlook would change. This said, our base case has shifted to a less constructive view of the economy over the next 12 to 18 months. We now expect that economic growth to disappoint and a recession to occur 2023. This said, we are not expecting the recession to be particularly long or deep. By mid-2023 the worst may be behind us, and risk assets could begin a sustained move higher.

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July Private Client Letter

July Private Client Letter

The S&P 500 suffered its worst half since 1970 after inflation and recession concerns sparked a 21% sell-off. This year’s first half performance was strikingly similar to that of 1970 (also down -21%) and in both periods, high inflation was the issue. It is interesting to note that the second half of 1970 saw the S&P up 27%. Of course, that does not mean that's how it will go for the back half of 2022; however, we believe it is likely the market will move higher if inflationary pressures subside.

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Inflation on All Fronts

Inflation on All Fronts

Inflation is a monetary phenomenon and in the short term can be affected by supply/demand dynamics. The Investment Policy Committee of Clearwater Capital has written extensively about the dramatic rise in the M-2 Money Supply over the last two years emanating from fiscal spending which ‘flooded the world with cash’ following the COVID shutdown of the economy.

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May We Live in Interesting Times - Private Client Letter

May We Live in Interesting Times - Private Client Letter

To say that we are living in “interesting times” would not do justice to what we all have experienced since the COVID-19 outbreak made headlines in February. What began as a serious health crisis quickly turned into an economic collapse as government leaders issued lockdown orders and essentially brought large parts of our economy to a standstill. Never before has the United States shut off its economy by proclamation. Interesting times indeed!!

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