The Beginning of the End

The Beginning of the End

Oh what a difference a year makes. For a moment, and I know it’s scary, transport yourself back to where you were 365 days ago. The S&P 500 was down about 20% in the month of March, 2020. We had witnessed the Dow Jones fall almost 3000 points in a single day, panic and uncertainty was pretty much the only thing we had to hold on to. It was just a bit before this time when our firm released our first COVID - 19 related commentary.

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October 2nd Special Market Update

October 2nd Special Market Update

Just when we thought this crazy year could not possibly become more chaotic, we receive the news that the President, the First Lady, and a senior aide tested positive for COVID-19. Of course we wish the President, and the others, a speedy recovery. With the elections on 32 days off, it is nearly impossible to predict how the President's diagnosis will impact the election and the markets.

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The Apex Advisor - IRS Releases RMD Reversal Guidance for 2020

The Apex Advisor - IRS Releases RMD Reversal Guidance for 2020

Retirement savers were given the opportunity to forgo Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) for 2020 as part of the CARES Act, which was passed into law in March of 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This RMD relief applies to all types of IRAs (except Roth IRAs which do not require RMDs in the first place), 401(k), 403(b) and even includes inherited accounts. This benefit allows account holders to reduce their taxable income for calendar year 2020 and to preserve the tax deferred growth offered by these accounts for a bit longer. Of course, those that need the funds for living expenses are permitted to still take distributions as normal.

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May We Live in Interesting Times - Private Client Letter

May We Live in Interesting Times - Private Client Letter

To say that we are living in “interesting times” would not do justice to what we all have experienced since the COVID-19 outbreak made headlines in February. What began as a serious health crisis quickly turned into an economic collapse as government leaders issued lockdown orders and essentially brought large parts of our economy to a standstill. Never before has the United States shut off its economy by proclamation. Interesting times indeed!!

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The Apex Advisor - You Can't Win a Race by Going Backwards

The CARES Act rule changes giving easier access to retirement funds will certainly act as a much needed lifeline for many Americans in desperate need. For those that are not in dire need for short term funding, however, taking advantage of the ability to access retirement funds without penalty can be expected to have tremendous negative effects on a retirement savings plan. It would amount to shifting a race car into reverse during a race.

Jeff DeHaan

Jeffrey DeHaan, CFP® is a Partner with Clearwater Capital Partners. Jeff primarily works with a select group of successful business owners and professionals, along with their families, to achieve their unique visions of their financial futures. Focusing on the interdependence between portfolio management, retirement planning, gift planning, estate planning and risk management, Jeff endeavors to give his clients a clear path to their goals and a solid framework for decision making.

CARES Act - What you need to know about your IRA

In order to combat the many economic implications of the coronavirus pandemic, a monumental emergency funding bill has been passed. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) aims to provide relief to American citizens and businesses through a variety of financial measures. One particular focus of the bill is on how Americans can use their retirement accounts during a potential time of need. This post will focus on 3 measures related to IRA accounts; Required Minimum Distributions, early distributions, and special tax treatment of distributions. The first of the provisions apply to all Americans while the second and third apply only to those directly affected by the virus (defined below.)

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Beware of Behavioral Biases

The coronavirus (COVID 19) breakout has been a fascinating real life case study of behavioral finance and the effect it can have on investors, particularly those operating outside of a trusted advisor relationship. Behavioral finance is the field of study that looks at investor psychology as it relates to money. It reveals the many pitfalls and fallacies the brain is vulnerable to when dealing with decisions specifically relating to money or investments. It is no secret that people, in general, are not great at investing. Emotions can be powerful and counter productive. Separating one’s feelings from the facts is a high hurdle for many Americans, leading many to doing the exact wrong things at the worst times.

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