Investing in Stocks in an Escalating Market Environment – A Few Considerations for Every Investor

Investing in Stocks in an Escalating Market Environment – A Few Considerations for Every Investor

In December 2018, our team wrote a piece called “Losing Money” as a Long-Term Investor. In that article, the primary message was for investors to stay the course with a personal long-term investment plan and to prevent making irrational decisions due to stock market volatility that occurs along the way.

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Outlook 2021 - The Great Acceleration

Outlook 2021 - The Great Acceleration

We have frequently thought the word “unprecedented” has been used far too casually to describe relatively ordinary events. This said, 2020 was in the very literal sense of the word, a truly unprecedented year.

Never have governments locked down entire economies to fight a global pandemic. Never have we seen such a rapid bear market – followed by the fastest recovery on record. Never has an effective vaccine been developed in less than a year, and never has one been produced using mRNA technology. The list of astonishing “Nevers” and “Firsts” could go on.

We enter 2021 anticipating successful vaccination programs and the reopening of our economy. Accordingly, we are pleased to share with you Outlook 2021, our core economic thesis for the coming year. Here you will find our expectations, as well as an in-depth discussion of how we arrive at various conclusions.

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Robin Who? - By James Chapman

Robin Who? - By James Chapman

With 2 days left in the first month of 2021, it seems there is no plan in sight to slow down the insane headline trend from 2020. So far this year has brought us a run on the capital, another attempt at impeachment, an inauguration, and that brings us to this week. In what some have coined “The Reddit Revolt” we have witnessed a never before seen intersection of social media and the financial markets. Seemingly every time you open your phone to look at Twitter, Instagram, even Tik Tok at this point, you cannot avoid headlines about Gamestop, AMC, and a few other individual stock names. Millions watched their screens as we saw these positions absolutely soar to levels that had even the most astute financial professionals scratching their heads. Given the inquiries we have already fielded regarding these happenings this article will seek to lay out what happened, how it happened, and what lessons it may have produced.

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October 2nd Special Market Update

October 2nd Special Market Update

Just when we thought this crazy year could not possibly become more chaotic, we receive the news that the President, the First Lady, and a senior aide tested positive for COVID-19. Of course we wish the President, and the others, a speedy recovery. With the elections on 32 days off, it is nearly impossible to predict how the President's diagnosis will impact the election and the markets.

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The Apex Advisor - You Can't Win a Race by Going Backwards

The CARES Act rule changes giving easier access to retirement funds will certainly act as a much needed lifeline for many Americans in desperate need. For those that are not in dire need for short term funding, however, taking advantage of the ability to access retirement funds without penalty can be expected to have tremendous negative effects on a retirement savings plan. It would amount to shifting a race car into reverse during a race.

Jeff DeHaan

Jeffrey DeHaan, CFP® is a Partner with Clearwater Capital Partners. Jeff primarily works with a select group of successful business owners and professionals, along with their families, to achieve their unique visions of their financial futures. Focusing on the interdependence between portfolio management, retirement planning, gift planning, estate planning and risk management, Jeff endeavors to give his clients a clear path to their goals and a solid framework for decision making.

The Potential Pitfalls of Big Data

The Potential Pitfalls of Big Data

What do avocados, Superbowl Champions, and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models have in common? They all have been used to predict market performance. With the increasing availability of computing power, financial experts are increasingly using big data to draw observations / trends. While this has produced some pretty important concepts, it has also introduced many eye rolling observations. In this post, James Chapman brings readers through some of the more odd indicators, and some of the potential pitfalls of big data.

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