Valuing an Advisor

Valuing an Advisor

Many have sought to put a monetary value on the benefit of an advisor, but it is difficult to pin down quantitatively due to the essential uniqueness of each client-advisor relationship. There are many components to creating a cohesive, clear, and personalized financial plan to grow and adapt to the many different stages of life. A few of the many forms of strategic advising include tax planning, estate planning, business succession planning, charitable and philanthropic planning, and investment management. The overarching goal of these various components is to make wealth complement an individual's lifestyle and discover what a meaningful use of wealth means for each client.

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Beware of Behavioral Biases

The coronavirus (COVID 19) breakout has been a fascinating real life case study of behavioral finance and the effect it can have on investors, particularly those operating outside of a trusted advisor relationship. Behavioral finance is the field of study that looks at investor psychology as it relates to money. It reveals the many pitfalls and fallacies the brain is vulnerable to when dealing with decisions specifically relating to money or investments. It is no secret that people, in general, are not great at investing. Emotions can be powerful and counter productive. Separating one’s feelings from the facts is a high hurdle for many Americans, leading many to doing the exact wrong things at the worst times.

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