Estate & Wealth Transfer Strategy Considerations

Estate & Wealth Transfer Strategy Considerations

The current Federal Estate Tax exemption is approximately $24 million for a married couple (half for an Individual) inclusive of portability. Readers should note: no legislative action is needed to effectively cut the exclusion amount in half at the end of 2025. Meaning, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017 automatically reverts without the need for Congressional vote.

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Consolidated Reporting & Family Office Services

Consolidated Reporting & Family Office Services

This piece will focus on consolidated reporting and technology for managing family wealth. Across every level of wealth, it is important to have continuous insight on the immediate financial picture of the family. As the scale and complexity of wealth increases, so does the need for the ability to observe the totality of the balance sheet. Similar to an air traffic controller, it is imperative that a family office team have the ability to monitor each element of the assets and liabilities of the families they serve.

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What is Investment Portfolio Management?

What is Investment Portfolio Management?

Investment Portfolio Management is the first service addressed in John Sleeting’s Thought Leadership article titled, “What are Multi-Family Offices Services?” As a fiduciary, our responsibilities include being prudent stewards of client assets in achieving their long-term objectives. Objectives vary from client to client requiring differentiated solutions and services; thus, a client-centric approach toward investment management is required to tailor solutions for each family.

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What are Multi-Family Office Services?

What are Multi-Family Office Services?

In 2017 we shared with readers An Intro to Family Offices in which we outlined the regulatory evolution and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) definition of a Family Office. Further, we referenced Dr. Kirby Rosplock’s book The Complete Family Office Handbook as she noted Family Offices are “designed to prepare family members to collectively manage, sustain, and grow their wealth across multiple generations”. We closed with a reminder that a families’ Human, Intellectual and Social Capital reflect the hopes, aspirations, and purpose of a Family while the Office helps to organize and manage the tools, financial and legal, to sustain the family and achieve their objectives.

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Webinar - Understanding Senator Sanders' Proposed Estate Tax Policy

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In 2020, Presidential Candidate Joe Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders teamed up for the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force with Recommendations for Combating the Climate Crisis and pursuing Environmental Justice. This 110-page document outlined many platform considerations, including their like-mindedness on Estate Taxes.

On Thursday, March 25th Senator Bernie Sanders officially released his proposed estate and gift tax reform legislation. This 18 page bill contains major changes to current legislation that would have serious implications for many of the families that work with Clearwater Capital.

The effective date of multiple sections of the proposed legislation is upon enactment; therefore, now is the time to consider how these changes may affect you and future generations.

2020 Estate Tax Considerations

2020 Estate Tax Considerations

Is now the right time to consider estate lifetime gifts? Yes, we believe proactive estate strategy management leads us to encourage individuals to pause and consider the following.

Wealth Management includes planning for tax expense risks which arise when one considers different policy paths over the coming years. There are always known laws and unknown possibilities. This summary is not meant to predict what may or may not happen following this election season; however, it is intended to raise awareness regarding planning opportunities which should be considered.

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Family Office — Social Capital

Family Office — Social Capital

As outlined in our 2017 ‘Intro to Family Offices’, we highlighted the intentionality of structure which families bring to develop their Capital. In particular we shared that a family’s wealth, and thereby risk management, should be viewed across a wide array of Capital considerations and approached with respective thoughtfulness.

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Family Office — Family Business Boards

Family Office — Family Business Boards

As outlined in our 2017 ‘Intro to Family Offices’, we highlighted the intentionality of structure which families bring to develop their Capital. In particular we shared that a family’s wealth, and thereby risk management, should be viewed across a wide array of Capital considerations and approached with respective intentionality.

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An intro to Family Offices

An intro to Family Offices

The concept of a “Family Office” is somewhat mysterious and ill-defined by many individuals, service providers, and investment professionals alike. I recently participated on a panel discussion at a Family Office Conference in Chicago where our segment was primarily focused upon the range of service models Ultra-High Net Worth (UHNW) families (broadly defined as households with net assets in excess of $30 Million) may choose to employ. The balance of this paper strives to develop a baseline understanding of the “Family Office” space.

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