Estate & Wealth Transfer Strategy Considerations

Estate & Wealth Transfer Strategy Considerations

The current Federal Estate Tax exemption is approximately $24 million for a married couple (half for an Individual) inclusive of portability. Readers should note: no legislative action is needed to effectively cut the exclusion amount in half at the end of 2025. Meaning, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017 automatically reverts without the need for Congressional vote.

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Webinar - Understanding Senator Sanders' Proposed Estate Tax Policy

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In 2020, Presidential Candidate Joe Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders teamed up for the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force with Recommendations for Combating the Climate Crisis and pursuing Environmental Justice. This 110-page document outlined many platform considerations, including their like-mindedness on Estate Taxes.

On Thursday, March 25th Senator Bernie Sanders officially released his proposed estate and gift tax reform legislation. This 18 page bill contains major changes to current legislation that would have serious implications for many of the families that work with Clearwater Capital.

The effective date of multiple sections of the proposed legislation is upon enactment; therefore, now is the time to consider how these changes may affect you and future generations.