December Private Client Letter

December Private Client Letter

Our economic outlook has not changed much in recent weeks. We expect the Fed’s tightening of monetary policy will keep equity market volatility high and range bound into 2023. Any indication that the Fed is contemplating a pause in early 2023 will drive sharp rallies. Any data reports that suggest inflation remains stubbornly high will trigger selloffs in equity markets. This reality was on full display as November ended and December began.

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March Private Client Letter - Navigating a Crisis

We at Clearwater Capital Partners have often written about the importance of “facts over feelings” when it comes to navigating periods of market volatility and uncertainty. The current breakout of the novel coronavirus has produced a significant spike in feelings (specifically “fear”). Now is the time to keep emotions in check as we attempt to ascertain the “facts” connected to this difficult situation. We believe one’s reaction to higher volatility will be far more determinative to long-term progress than the volatility itself.

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