Are You Considering Relocating to Another State?

Are You Considering Relocating to Another State?

As I wrote in a 2019 post, the potential impact of future taxes is often an important consideration for retirees when choosing to move to another state.  Besides moving to an area with a warmer climate or closer to family and friends, the goal of minimizing expenses, including taxes, is often at the top of the priority list.

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10 Considerations When Relocating to a Different State

10 Considerations When Relocating to a Different State

In December of 2019 in a white paper titled Are you considering relocating when you retire? Tax issues to consider”, I provided an update on various tax differences between states to consider prior to relocating during retirement.

The popularity of relocating has grown, in particular over the past several months, and you have likely read stories about the rising interest of individuals and families moving to different areas of the United States. The pandemic has caused many to reevaluate where they want to reside, whether that be for cost-of-living (including a lower future tax burden), personal health and well-being, or closer proximity to family and friends.

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Are you considering relocating when you retire? Tax issues to consider.

For those thinking about relocating to a new city or state during their retirement years, there are several important factors to consider prior to making this decision.

For many, being in a warmer climate during the winter months while still maintaining proximity to family and friends is a major priority. For others, living where there is accessibility to quality health care facilities, while being able to enjoy cultural and entertainment options such as museums and concerts in a big city, or outdoor activities such as golf and walks on a beach, is important.

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