Considerations When Contemplating Divorce

Considerations When Contemplating Divorce

Life is full of milestones. While many are joyous occasions, such as getting married or the birth of a child, others are less so. Sadly, divorce touches just under 750,000 American couples per year, equal to roughly 2.7% of the US population. (SOURCE:, data as of 2019) While this figure has been steadily dropping over the past 20 years, divorce is a factor in many lives. Such a life-changing decision has many aspects that need to be considered, many of which require specialized knowledge that many do not have. This lack of understanding can often be a barrier for people, preventing an unhappy couple from pursuing the course they would both otherwise prefer. Where will I live? How will I pay the bills? What will this do to my retirement plan? To help demystify the divorce process, here are a few things to consider as you begin the process.

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