Currency Update – Current Threats to the U.S. Dollar’s Global Role

Currency Update – Current Threats to the U.S. Dollar’s Global Role

Last month, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva urged developing countries around the world to start using alternatives to the U.S. dollar in international trade and investing. In conjunction with that, Brazil and Argentina began to explore the possibility of a common currency, partially to circumvent the need for U.S. dollars in many cross-border transactions between the two countries. 

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The collapse of the Russian Ruble, what does it mean?

The collapse of the Russian Ruble, what does it mean?

There are many factors that determine the strength of one currency versus another. The interest rate differentials between countries, the level of a country’s fiscal discipline compared to another, and the stability of one’s government, are just a few of the variables that influence the flow of global capital and subsequently, the strength and weakness of a currency.

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