Opportunities For Planning with Self Employment Income

Opportunities For Planning with Self Employment Income

Many of our clients receive Self Employment income each year, which is to say income earned from a business as a sole proprietor, independent contractor, or through some form of partnership or Limited Liability Company (LLC). For some, this income is generated from a business with no other employees, or through a side business.

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NCAA Rules Change

NCAA Rules Change

On June 30th, 2021 groundbreaking news broke from NCAA board of Directors. The NCAA announced they would be lifting restrictions on athletes receiving payments based on their name, image, and likeness (NIL). For decades we have seen athletes suspended for this behavior, notably Reggie Bush, Todd Gurley, and Johnny Manziel. Now, the NCAA has flipped the script and has effectively turned these amateur athletes into professionals.

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Considerations When Contemplating Divorce

Considerations When Contemplating Divorce

Life is full of milestones. While many are joyous occasions, such as getting married or the birth of a child, others are less so. Sadly, divorce touches just under 750,000 American couples per year, equal to roughly 2.7% of the US population. (SOURCE: CDC.gov, data as of 2019) While this figure has been steadily dropping over the past 20 years, divorce is a factor in many lives. Such a life-changing decision has many aspects that need to be considered, many of which require specialized knowledge that many do not have. This lack of understanding can often be a barrier for people, preventing an unhappy couple from pursuing the course they would both otherwise prefer. Where will I live? How will I pay the bills? What will this do to my retirement plan? To help demystify the divorce process, here are a few things to consider as you begin the process.

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An Intro to Bitcoin

An Intro to Bitcoin

Over the past year we have seen a pandemic, social unrest, all-time market highs, and a meteoric rise in the price of Bitcoin. In the early days of Bitcoin, few people knew about it and even fewer people discussed it. In January 2017, Bitcoin was trading under $1,000. By October of that year, the price had jumped to over $5,000 and by the end of December it was trading over $19,000. Needless to say, Bitcoin quickly grabbed the attention of retail investors and Wall Street. However, Bitcoin would soon fade away as the price dropped to $4,000 in 2018. Bitcoin had lost traction and wall street stopped talking about it.

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Family Office — Social Capital

Family Office — Social Capital

As outlined in our 2017 ‘Intro to Family Offices’, we highlighted the intentionality of structure which families bring to develop their Capital. In particular we shared that a family’s wealth, and thereby risk management, should be viewed across a wide array of Capital considerations and approached with respective thoughtfulness.

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Family Office — Family Business Boards

Family Office — Family Business Boards

As outlined in our 2017 ‘Intro to Family Offices’, we highlighted the intentionality of structure which families bring to develop their Capital. In particular we shared that a family’s wealth, and thereby risk management, should be viewed across a wide array of Capital considerations and approached with respective intentionality.

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An intro to Family Offices

An intro to Family Offices

The concept of a “Family Office” is somewhat mysterious and ill-defined by many individuals, service providers, and investment professionals alike. I recently participated on a panel discussion at a Family Office Conference in Chicago where our segment was primarily focused upon the range of service models Ultra-High Net Worth (UHNW) families (broadly defined as households with net assets in excess of $30 Million) may choose to employ. The balance of this paper strives to develop a baseline understanding of the “Family Office” space.

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